Effects of Teacher’s Scaffolding on Students’ Reading Comprehension: Sire Secondary School Grade Nine Students in Focus
Zerihun Buli, Shewa Basizew* and Kefyalew Abdisa
Department of Language Studies and Literature, Institute of Language Studies and Journalism, Wollega University
*Corresponding author’s email: fikershewa@gmail.com
Int. J. Grad. Res. Rev.Vol-3, Issue-4: 89-95
Copyright (c) 2017 International Journal of Graduate Research and Review
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This study was aimed at examining the effect of teachers’ scaffolding on reading comprehension of grade 9th students at Sire Secondary School. In this study quasi-experiment design was used. To this effect, grade nine students were classified into treatment group and control group. 46 students were taken from section D as a treatment group and as a control group, 46 students were selected from section A. As a data collecting tool, pre-test and post test reading comprehension was used for both treatment group and control group students. In order to compute the finding paired samples t-test and independent t-test were used. Both groups of students have an equivalent level of performance in reading comprehension prior to the intervention. Treatment group students were taught reading comprehension through instructional scaffolding techniques throughout the treatment period. On the other hand, control group students were taught reading comprehension in a traditional way. No special treatment was provided for this group of students and the pre-test and post-test was given at the same time interval with treatment groups. After intervention, there is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the control group and treatment group on the reading comprehension performance on the post-test scores. The finding revealed that students who were taught reading comprehension with scaffolding strategies outperformed the control group students. The scaffolding mechanisms which were provided for the treatment group were much more conducive and beneficial to EFL learners’ reading comprehension improvement. Therefore, it can be concluded teaching reading comprehension passage through scaffolding strategies enhanced the students reading performance. Thus, it is recommended that teachers have to look into how better to help their students by implementing these strategies as frequently as possible.
Keywords: Teachers’ scaffolding; Reading comprehension; School