A Peer Reviewed Open Occess Online Journal for Graduate Students
Attitude and Preparedness of the Nurse Manager’s Regarding Effective Delegation in Jinnah Hospital, Lahore
Mehvish Sabah*, Summaira Nasir, Muhammad Hussain, Muhammad Afzal
Lahore School of Nursing, The University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan
Delegation, defined as the assignment of responsibilities to subordinates and conferral of authority to carry out assigned tasks, is considered an important and effective leadership behavior. For leaders, delegation can reduce work overload and improve the speed and quality of decisions, while simultaneously enabling subordinates to view leaders as participative. Effectively delegating work to others is considered critical to managerial success, as it frees up managers’ time and develops subordinates’ skills. Purpose of the study: To determine the attitude and preparedness regarding effective delegation among nurse managers. Study sample: The site of this research was the Jinnah hospital Lahore. Total papulation of the study were the 147 head nurses of Jinnah hospital Lahore. Inclusion criteria was all male and female head nurses of age between 31years to 60years and who had a minimum of six years of working experience in the job. Exclusion criteria was head nurses who were refuse to participate in the study. Results of the study: Mostly participants of the study were moderately agree toward attitude and preparedness regarding affective delegation. Some were unsure about attitude and preparedness toward delegation and they need to improve their skills of delegation. Recommendation: Those participants who were unsure about attitude and preparedness regarding effective delegation can improve their skill through seminars, lectures and conferences that may improve the quality of nursing practice by instilling the managerial skills in registered nurses and also may enhance the hospital prestige’s.
Keywords: effective delegation; attitude; preparedness; nurse managers; Hospital.
Int. J. Grad. Res. Rev.Vol-4, Issue-4: 149-155
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