Impact of Leadership Practices of Unit Managers on Working Environment
Tayybah Shehzadi*, Muhammad Hussain1, Muhammad Afzal1, Syed Amir Gilani 2
1Lahore School of Nursing, The University of Lahore, Pakistan
2Faculty of Allied Health Sciences (AHS), The University of Lahore, Pakistan
Background: Leadership can be defined is the process of influencing employee in a way to achieve and meet the organizational goals and objective, nursing manager in hospital have authority and in a position to influence on hospital working environment either in positive or negative way, the main power of a nurse unit manager are their leadership styles which affect directly on working environment of the unit. Objective: To identify the leadership practices of unit manager and its impact on working environment of nursing staff. Methodology: this study was carried out by using a Quantitative descriptive co-relational study design, sample size was 154 which was selected by convenient sampling techniques. Results: all the study participants were female, majority 31% of study participants’ fall in age group of 30-33 years of age. 72% of participants has qualification of general nursing. 72% of the study participants stated that “Manager Set a personal example of what she expects of others” while the response of 18% stated that mangers didn’t set personal example. 66% of the study participants shows negative response that “Manager is clear to about his/her philosophy of leadership practice” while 15% have positive response to this statement and 19% were neutral. Conclusion: Leadership practice of nurse manager are playing an important role nurses job satisfaction, performance and empowerment. There are very few study carried out to show the level of empowerment in nurses in their respective organization. This study clearly stated that this is very important for nurse manager to know about the leadership style and its effect on subordinates.
Keywords: leadership practice; unit manager; working environment
Int. J. Grad. Res. Rev.Vol-5, Issue-2: 150-155