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Effect of Fungicides in Controlling Bulb Rot of Onion
K. M. Khalequzzaman1*, M. S. Monjil2
1Spices Research Centre, BARI, Shibganj, Bogura, Bangladesh
2Department of Plant Pathology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Int. J. Grad. Res. Rev. Vol 6(2): 34-39.
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Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Graduate Research and Review

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The experiment was conducted in sick plot at Spices Research Centre, BARI, Shibganj, Bogura, Bangladesh during Rabi season of 2017-18 to find out the effective control measure of basal or bulb rot of Onion. Bulb of BARI piaz 4 was used in this experiment. Six fungicides, healthy and fresh bulb and one control were the treatments. The lowest emergence (86.92%) of onion was recorded in control plots and the highest emergence (98.11%) was recorded in Bulb treatment and soil drenching with Amistar Top 325 SC. The lowest bulb rot incidence (8.76%) and highest disease reduction over control (70.52%) was obtained from Bulb treatment and soil drenching with Amistar Top 325 SC. The highest bulb rot incidence (29.72%) was obtained from untreated control plots which was followed by Healthy and fresh Bulb (25.59%). The highest number of capsules per plant (448.05), number of seeds per capsule (4.73), seed yield per plant (6.18 g) and yield (750.56 kg/ha) were obtained from Bulb treatment and soil drenching with Amistar Top 325 SC and the lowest of these parameters were obtained from untreated control. Among the fungicides, Amistar Top 325 SC (0.1%), Cabriotop (0.3%) and Provax 200 WP (0.25%) were found individually more effective to control basal or bulb rot of onion, enhance growth attributes and yield. So, farmers and researchers may use Amistar Top 325 SC or Cabriotop or Provax 200 WP to decrease bulb rot incidence and increase seed yield of Onion.

Keywords: Fungicides; Bulb Rot of Onion; Amistar Top 325 SC; Cabriotop; Provax 200 WP