Transformational Leadership of The Principal for Achieving National Education Standard Sof Senior High School in Palu City
Muhlis*, Fathurrahman, Mustainah, dan Nurhannis
University of Tadulako, Palu, Indonesia
Int. J. Grad. Res. Rev. Vol 6(2): 53-59.
Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Graduate Research and Review
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This study aims to: 1) analyze the development created by the principal in transformational leadership to achieve National Education Standards of Senior High School. 2) to ind out the empowerment created by the principal in transformational leadership to attain National Education Standards of Senior High School 3) to determine the satisfaction given by the principal in transformational leadership to the subordinates to enact National Education Standards of Senior High School. This study applied a qualitative approach conducted in Senior High School of Palu City using using interviews, observation and documentation as data collection techniques. This study was analyzed through interactive approach of Miles and Huberman with some stages such as condentations, displays, and conclusions. Result and discussion of the study are as follows: 1) the principals have implemented aspect of development in transformational leadershipin in order to obtain National Education Standards of Senior High School. The implementation of the principal's transformational leadership on the Standards for Facilities and Infrastructure intents to follow and implement structural instructions (the construction have been determined from central and education department) and the principal only includes administrative requirements. Out of 8 National Education Standards, the principal involves all stakeholders in the development except students who have not been engaged in Management Standards and Financing Standards; 2) empowerment aspect in transformational leadership has been implemented by school principals in order to achieve National Education Standards. The implementation of the principal's transformational leadership of Standards for Facilities and Infrastructures is maintenance. Out of 8 National Education Standards, empowerment by the principal involves all stakeholders except students who have not been covered in Management Standards and Financing Standards; and 3) Implementation of transformational leadership of the principals in Senior High School of Palu has given satisfaction to all stakeholders, such as; teachers, administrations, school committees/students’ parent, and students.