Value Chain Analysis of Cucumber in Tanahun District, Nepal
Anisha Tiwari*, Sarmila Belbase
Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
Int. J. Grad. Res. Rev. Vol 6(3): 120-123
Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Graduate Research and Review
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A survey research was conducted in Tanahun district to assess the value chain analysis of cucumber. Total sample size of 70 farmers from two rural municipalities were selected by purposive selection method. To study the marketing aspect, 15 traders (wholesaler, retailer) were selected. Semi-structured interview schedule was administered for household survey for primary data and secondary data were collected through different journals, articles, related websites, DADO profile, weather stations etc. Different descriptive statistics were used for the analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and MS-excel. The B/C ratio was 3.48 and human labor was the major cost among the total costs of cucumber cultivation. Market margin was NRs.32/kg and producer’s share is 36% percent in the mostly used market channel. The gross revenue is NRs.10,86,917 per ha. and the farmer’s gate price of cucumber is NRs18/kg and consumer’s price is NRs.50/kg. in the most used market channel. Four types of marketing channel were found. Middlemen had major influence on price fixation. Majority of farmers (37.1%) were dissatisfied with the market price of cucumber. Almost all the farmers had not heard or done anything for value addition of cucumber. Low market price was major marketing problem faced by the producers. Despite the low productivity and market problem, farmers were still interested to grow cucumber. The study indicated cucumber farming could be highly profitable and export-oriented enterprise in Tanahun.
Keywords: survey; margin; price; profitable