Identification of High Yielding Genotype of Introduced foreign Groundnut Genotype
Bisheswar Prasad Yadav1*, Santosh Rasaily1, Pramod Wagle1, Nabina B.K.2
1Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Nepal
2Mahadev Janata Higher Secondary School, Nepal
Int. J. Grad. Res. Rev. Vol 6(2): 40-42.
Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Graduate Research and Review
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Groundnut is also one of the major oil crops of Nepal. The yield of groundnut is very low as compare to neighboring countries. The domestic demand of groundnut is increasing day by day. Therefore, it is urgent need of the country for the development of high yielding varieties using groundnut diversity. Due to lack of the infrastructure for breeding, for the time being, introduction of new genotype from other countries can be way to screen out the promising lines. With the objective of finding the high yielding genotype, IYT was conducted with introduced 9 promising lines. Among them, Jayanti (2390 kg/ha) followed by ICGV 05155 (2171 kg/ha) and ICGV 99089 (2112 kg/ha) were found to be high yielding genotypes. These genotypes can be used in the breeding program for the production of desired genotypes. Introduction is not only the way, Nepal should develop its own man power and infrastructure of the breeding its own noble genotypes.
Keywords: Groundnut; Genotypes; Introduction; Diversity; Promising lines