Quality and Relevance of Master Degree Education for The Professional Development of Nurses
Shamim Aslam*, Sabnam Bibi, Qaria Tahseen
The Superior College of Nursing, Lahore, Pakistan.
Int. J. Grad. Res. Rev. Vol 7(4): 135-153.
Copyright (c) 2021 International Journal of Graduate Research and Review
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Background: From last many years revolutionary changes in nursing came that upgrade the nursing profession. New health care policies, methods procedures, holistic health care approaches are in line to meet the people demand. So, to fulfill the new emergent needs, continue education is necessary but unfortunately to support this in the field of nursing is still limited and less focused. The purpose of this study is to investigate the usefulness of the degree education for nurses and how it influences on their professional development. Methodology: This is a quantitative cross sectional study. Sample was selected through random sampling. Data was collected from 120 BSN nurses of two different institute of Lahore i.e. Shalimar nursing college and Syeda Waheed Fatima Memorial, College of Nursing Lahore. A self-administered questionnaire was floated to collect the data. A multiple regression and Chi-Square test were applied to see the association. Results: The results were showed that majority of nurses believed that they have acquired great level of knowledge and skills. A multiple regression model demonstrated that significant association exists between knowledge, implementation of skills and professional development. The Chi-Square test showed the positive relationship between quality and relevance with professional development. According to results, few nurses experienced financial advancement and promotion. Conclusion: so, degree education develops high level skills and knowledge. But to implement all this, different policies or employment rate must be focused
Keywords: Holistic health care; degree education; professional development; Bachelor of Science in Nursing nurses; multiple regressions; Chi-Square test..