Stress Among Hospital Staff Nurses: Its Causes and Effects
Sabnam Bibi, Shamim Aslam, Qaria Tahseen
The Superior College of Nursing, Lahore, Pakistan.
Int. J. Grad. Res. Rev. Vol 7(4): 123-134.
Copyright (c) 2021 International Journal of Graduate Research and Review
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Purpose: the purpose of this study was to examine the stress factors that influence nursing staff turnover intention. Methodology: a correlation study design was used. Data were collected from 100 staff nurses of cardiovascular surgery unit of Punjab institute of cardiology Lahore, sample size selected through simple random sampling. The likert scale questionnaire used which was adopted and inferential statistics tools were used to analyze the data. Using software SPSS 21 some of the relevant tests were carried out like frequency distribution, reliability, validity, regression. Results: demographic data age, sex, marital status and qualification were collected. In this study, three major sources of stress factors: work load, death& dying and lack of staff support known to influence turnover intention in nurses had been identified. The results show that the death & dying was a major source of stress and strongly predicted turnover intention in cardiovascular surgery unit nurses. Conclusion: this study finds out three factors that causes stress among cardiovascular surgery unit nurses which leads to turnover intention so, it is very important to minimize these factors and positive steps can be made towards improving workplace environment. New policies should be made to reduce turnover intention.
Keywords: Turnover intention; SPSS, death and dying; work load; lack of staff support.Keywords: Turnover intention; SPSS, death and dying; work load; lack of staff support.