An Analysis of Provincial Paddy Production Status of Nepal
Apekshya Kandel1*, Gaurav Banjade1, Sita Dahal1
1Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Paklihawa Campus, Tribhuwan University, Rupandehi, Nepal
Int. J. Grad. Res. Rev. Vol 7(3): 113-117.
Copyright (c) 2021 International Journal of Graduate Research and Review
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Rice, the principal food grain, is grown extensively in all agro-ecological zones of Nepal, ranging from Terai belt (as low as 60 masl) to high hills (as high as 3050 masl). This study analyzes the production trend of paddy crop in seven different provinces of Nepal. Statistical data (2014/15-2018/19) published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development is used to calculate the annual average area of production and yield of the crop. The result shows that in the past five years, the productivity of the crop has increased by 12.53%, 21.17%, 4.84%, 9.03%, 2.65%, 8.1% and 26.92% in Province No. 1, Province No.2, Bagmati, Gandaki, Karnali province and Sudurpaschim respectively. Among the provinces, the highest average annual cultivated area (361,816.8 ha) and the highest average annual production (1,194,915.6 mt) of paddy crop is observed in Province No. 2. The location of the province on flat plains of Terai, favorable climatic conditions, timely availability of quality inputs and possibility of farm mechanization has favored the higher production in this province. Whereas, Karnali province suffers the lowest average annual area of production (49,420.4 ha) with the lowest average annual production (157,462.4 mt) due to its difficult land topography and remoteness impeding the supply of inputs on time.
Keywords: Paddy; Yield; Production; Area; Province; Nepal.