The Meaning of Education in Social Life of Bajo Fisherman Community in Pomolulu Village, Balaesang Tanjung, Donggala District
Amiruddin Masri1*, Sutarman Yodo1, Rosmawati1
1Doctoral Program of Economics, University of Tadulako, Palu 2021, Indonesia
Int. J. Grad. Res. Rev. Vol 7(1): 44-50.
Copyright (c) 2021 International Journal of Graduate Research and Review
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This study aims: 1) To analyze the meaning of education for fishing communities; and 2) Analyze the actions of Bajo fishermen in interpreting education in Pomolulu village, Balaesang Tanjung sub-district. This research uses the descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques used interviews, observation, and documentation, while data analysis used an interactive approach from Miles and Huberman which consisted of; data collection, condensation, display data, and verification or concluding. The results and discussion show: 1) Bajo fishing communities interpret education and school as a necessity in social life. This positive meaning arises because a) external factors, which consist of; there are practical examples that being a teacher, principal, and legislative candidate requires education, a flow of communication and information, and an open mind; and b) internal factors consisting of; the awareness of parents to send their children to school; and children's motivation to go to school; and 2) The actions of the Bajo fishing community in the village of Pomolulu in interpreting education includes social actions; a) it is better for parents who feel life is difficult; b) considers the sea to be only a place of recreation for children; c) initiating a motorcycle taxi joint venture to transport and pick up children from home to school and from school to the house; d) submit a proposal to establish Senior High School, and; e) forming youth organizations. The findings of this study strengthen Max Weber's theory of Social Action, especially Instrumental Rational Action.
Keywords: Social Action, Meaning of Education, and Bajo Fishermen.