Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown on Human Psychology in Selected Areas, Lahore, Pakistan
Mariam Safdar1, Mutahira Ikram1, Nazia Yousef1*, Sidra Tasneem1, Rubina Jabeen1
1Superior University Lahore, Pakistan
Int. J. Grad. Res. Rev. Vol 7(1): 25-30.
Copyright (c) 2021 International Journal of Graduate Research and Review
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Objectives: To find out the effects of Covid-19 lockdown on human psychology and on interfamily relations, in selected areas of Lahore Pakistan.
Methodology: This study was conducted between Aprils to July 2020, after completion of first lockdown in Lahore. This cross-sectional survey was completed by 164 volunteers. Data was collected from model town, as it was one of the first hotspot of covid-19 in Lahore and one of the first sealed area also.
Results: Descriptive statistics was applied by using SPSS (statical package for the social sciences) version 16.0. Results revealed that Covid-19 lockdown had negative impact on 69% peoples’ psychology. 63.4% people felt stress and anxiety due to mishap. This lockdown affected 56.7% people work performance. It had bad impact on 70.1% population routine daily life. 45.3% peoples’ family relations improved. 47.6% population felt isolated from their friends. 70.7% population stated that continuous news regarding covid-19 increased their stress levels. 47.6% population did not support Pakistani nationals return to Pakistan in such contagious circumstances. 51.2% population was full of hope that Pakistan can overcome this infection.
Conclusion: Covid-19 lockdown had negative impact on people psychology and daily lives.
Keywords: Covid-19; lockdown affects; human psychology; interfamily relations.