Role of Military Diplomacy in International Relations of Nepal
Madhav Thapa Chhetri*
Central Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Int. J. Grad. Res. Rev. Vol 8(1-2): 1-10.
Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Graduate Research and Review
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Military diplomacy has helped Nepal achieve foreign policy goals in a better way. The countries in the world today, have no direct military threat, then if, the threats are weak diplomacy, unfavorable foreign relations, and immature foreign policy in the field of international relations. This article analyzes the role of military diplomacy focusing on international relations, UN participation and Joint Military Training Exercises.
Due to social media and ultra-modern communication technologies, access control, and censorship are over. The public has to possess a broad understanding of the role and legacy of Nepali Army (NA). Military and media should see themselves as equal partners in the successful conduct of diplomacy in fostering international relations. The study finds that military diplomacy plays an essential role in displaying diplomatic efforts to enhance international relations.
The qualitative analysis of primary and secondary source information has been done for this analytic methodology. The theoretical rather than the technical nature of the topic limit the ability for conducting this analysis as a purely quantitative one. This study recommends the requirement of an in-depth research on the policy and practical aspects in military diplomacy pertaining to the role of media, foreign policy and international relations.
Keywords: Nepali Army, Military Diplomacy of Nepal, International Relations, Foreign Policy of Nepal, Divyopadesh