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Behaviour Repurchase Online in Indonesia
Sirajudin1*, Syamsul Bachri2, Wahyuningsih3

1Student of the Postgraduate Economics Doctoral Program, Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia
2Faculty of Economics and Business, Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia
Int. J. Grad. Res. Rev. Vol 7(4): 112-117.
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Online Purchase Behavior in Indonesia, the purpose of this research is to buying behavior through how many dimensions test and analyze the effect of e-customer value on e-trust, the value of e-customer to e-satisfaction, e-customer value to e-trust-repurchase intention, internal factors to e-trust. internal factors on e-satisfaction. Internal factors on electronic repurchase intention. e-trust on e-repurchase intention. e-satisfaction on e-repurchase intention. there is a relationship between each variable; e-customer value, internal factors, e-trust, e-satisfaction, and e-repurchase intention, using cross-sectional data. This research is spread geographically by taking locations in Indonesia. While testing the hypothesis using structural equation modeling (SEM) with a sample of 300 respondents. The results of the analysis show that the variable e-customer value has a significant effect on e-trust, e-customer value has no significant effect on e-satisfaction, customer value has a significant effect on e-repurchase intention, internal factors have a significant effect on e-trust, internal factors have a significant effect on e-repurchase intention, the effect of e-satisfaction has a significant effect on e-repurchase intention.

e-customer value, internal factors, e-trust, e-satisfaction, e-repurchase intention.