Examining Predictors of Couple Satisfaction
Christina Davila*
7502 Fondren Rd, Houston, Texas 77074
Int. J. Grad. Res. Rev. Vol 9(1-2): 3-18.
Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Graduate Research and Review
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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence, conflict communication styles, and attachment styles, and how these three factors interact to predict romantic relationship quality. The hypotheses of this study were: H1: Higher levels of emotional intelligence will be correlated with higher levels of romantic satisfaction. H2: Constructive conflict communication styles will serve as the mediating between higher emotional intelligence and higher romantic satisfaction. H3: A secure attachment style will serve as the moderating variable that strengthens the relationship between higher emotional intelligence and higher romantic satisfaction. 107 total participants were recruited for this study. Results showed that emotional intelligence and relationship satisfaction were not significantly correlated (r = .153, p =.117). The results also showed that there was no mediation of conflict style on the relationship between emotional intelligence and relationship satisfaction (B = .163, p = .093, R2 = .027). Finally, the results revealed that a secure attachment style did not moderate the relationship between emotional intelligence and relationship satisfaction (B = .0815, p = .8339). However, it was found that the relationship between emotional intelligence and relationship satisfaction was moderated by an avoidant attachment style. Potential reasons for these results are discussed.
Keywords: Romantic relationship quality; marital quality; emotional intelligence; conflict resolution styles; attachment styles; secure attachment styles..