Study on Plant Distribution Pattern of Chameli Community Forest, Bhaktapur, Nepal
Sarita Chaulagain* and Anjali Maiya Shrestha-Malla
Department of Botany, Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus, Kathmandu, Nepal
*Corresponding author email:
Int. J. Grad. Res. Rev.Vol-3, Issue-4: 82-88
Copyright (c) 2017 International Journal of Graduate Research and Review
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Horizontal (east, centre, west) and vertical (bottom, middle and top) distribution study of plants in Chameli Community Forest was done in 2016 in Chameli Community Forest, which is a small hill facing the North-West with an altitude of 1590 masl and lies in sub-tropical region of Nepal. It occupied an area of 13.16 ha. Herbs are more dominant in bottom, trees in middle and shrubs in top region. The east area of bottom, middle and top region had more diverse vegetation. During the study of Chameli Community Forest, a total of 152 plants (32 trees, 33 shrubs, 11 climbers, 3 epiphytes and 73 herbs) species were collected, identified preserved and listed. Among them 110 dicot species under 49 families and 91 genera; 26 monocot species under 7 families and 21 genera; 15 pteridophyte species under 10 families and 14 genera and one gymnosperm under one family and one genera were recorded. Plants were recorded under 127 genera and 153 species. The forest had 72 percentage dicot plant species followed by least percentage of epiphytes. The dominant species in the forest was Schima wallichi and Rhododendron arboreum. Therefore, the forest was Schima-Rhododendron forest type. Though the forest covered small area, large number of plant species were documented which showed that the forest was highly diversified.
Keywords: Plant distribution; Dominant species; Plant diversity.